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connecting tāne  •  strengthening whānau

mo mātou

Wana, based in Takānini, South Auckland, is dedicated to supporting tāne in Aotearoa with lived experiences of violence. Founded by Dean Clarkson, Wana offers culturally-grounded holistic services and programs rooted in aroha and wairuatanga.


Our vision is to reconnect tāne and strengthen whānau. We aim to empower tāne, invigorate their lives, and facilitate healing that transforms them and their whānau.

Wana provides tikanga-based group programs, one-to-one coaching and a drop-in service. We are also planning Aotearoa’s first refuge for male victims of family harm and their tamariki.



Wana provides a range of culturally grounded programmes tailored to meet the unique needs of tāne with lived experiences of violence. Our approach is underpinned by aroha, wairuatanga (spirituality), and whanaungatanga (relationships), drawing from the whenua (land) and pūrākau (stories) of Aotearoa.


We offer tikanga-based supports to help tāne heal from violence, develop healthy coping mechanisms, and reconnect with their potential to build a resilient and hopeful future. Our services emphasize healing and strengthening whānau relationships, particularly with tamariki and partners.


We accept referrals from social service agencies, NZ Police, healthcare providers and self-referrals. Our community development approach addresses the systemic causes of violence, such as poverty, by working with key partners and prioritizing local iwi. We aim to build resilience and ensure sustainable change for tāne through alternative pathways for training and employment, particularly through social enterprise development opportunities.

  • Group Programs 
    Offering group programs that promote hauora Māori approaches to healing, self-discovery, and personal growth, tāne will be supported to develop skills and coping mechanisms that are healthy and sustainable.

  • One-to-One
    We work with tāne to develop individualised plans that enable them to set and achieve personal and professional goals, including drivers’ licenses, financial capability, rent and employment readiness, and training and employment opportunities.  Wana also ensures all tāne can access counselling services. 

  • Drop-in Service
    Wana offers a safe and welcoming space where tāne can access support, resources, and connection with peers and community members.

  • Tāne Refuge (Planned)
    The first refuge for male victims of family harm and their tamariki in Aotearoa, we will provide sanctuary and temporary accommodation in a semi-rural setting with wrap-around supports for up to three whānau. 


There is a significant need for holistic support services for tāne who have experienced violence in Aotearoa for many reason, some of these being:

  • One in eight tāne report they have been a victim of an offence by their partner.

  • The Ministry of Social Development's 2023 report on Family Violence and Sexual Violence service gaps identified:

    • A lack of effective and appropriate services for male victims and survivors.

    • A gap in support for Māori communities/Kaupapa Māori services.

    • Under-reporting of family harm by male victims and survivors, often due to societal stigma, and minimal research on male experiences of family harm, resulting in a limited understanding of the scale of the problem in Aotearoa.

    • There is currently no refuge for male victims of family harm in Aotearoa.

    • There is no similar service available in the Takānini area.


Wana aims to draw public attention to these needs and help fill these gaps through our range of services. We seek to make a transformative difference in the lives of tāne, their whānau, and communities by providing culturally responsive and holistic support services focused on generational change. Our work promotes healing, resilience, and positive transformation, ultimately contributing to safer, stronger, and healthier whānau and more thriving communities in Aotearoa.

Wana is committed to walking alongside tāne who have experienced violence, providing them with the support, resources, and opportunities they need to heal, grow, and thrive. Through our holistic approach grounded in Māori values and principles, we aim to create a future where all tāne can live with dignity, strength, and hope.

kupu tautoko

"Dean exudes authenticity and this coupled with his engaging and reassuring manner brings a real warmth and a genuine comfort to the meaningful and trusting relationships he develops and continually enhances. His passion for taking a strengths based approach to wellbeing is both inspiring and accurate. Dean is understanding and has a calming presence with a special ability to connect. His progressive mindset is founded upon a heart that beats for the health of people."

Regan Tamihere

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